Yoga Parenting: More Joy, Less Stress

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Should there be a rule about kids watching Science Fiction

Geek Dad has a rule: His kids have to be 10 years old to watch Star Wars. Find out why by clicking the link below and share your thoughts on this. At what age should a child be allowed to watch science fiction shows? Aren't cartoons as violent and socially innappropriate as Star Wars? Tweet us a reply @thirstyfishinfo or leave a reply below!
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PosterMy boys are 7 and 5 years old. They love to draw. Their latest drawing craze has to draw Star Wars scenarios. They draw stick figures with Darth Vader helmets, recreate a decent picture of R2-D2 and everyone is holding a light saber (yep, even R2-D2).

You see, my boys have not seen any Star Wars, Episode IV – or otherwise. I wasn’t even aware they had so much knowledge until they started drawing. So, they don’t appreciate the significance of the light saber and haven’t got their heads around what a Jedi Knight is. Hence, everyone in their drawings has a light saber. I know it shouldn’t, but this really annoyed me and I felt like sitting them down to watch Episode IV: A New Hope and explain that R2-D2 can’t be drawn with a light saber and introduce them to the whole experience.

I decided they are only 7 and 5 years-old and I’m not sure I’m that keen for them to know yet. That is why I’ve made THE RULE.
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THE RULE is that my boys won’t watch any Star Wars movie until they are 10 years-old.
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